The No Asshole Rule
Stanford Professor Robert Sutton shows how assholes weren’t just an office nuisance, but a serious and costly threat to corporate success and employee health. He reveals the huge TCA (Total Cost of Assholes) in today’s organizations. He shows how to spot an asshole (hint: they are addicted to rude interruptions and subtle putdowns, and enjoy using “sarcastic jokes” and “teasing” as “insult delivery systems”), and provides a “self-test” to determine whether you deserve to be branded as a “certified asshole.” And he offers tips that you can use to keep your “inner jerk” from rearing its ugly head. Sutton then uses in-depth research and analysis to show how managers can eliminate mean-spirited behavior (while positively channeling some of the virtues of assholes) to build sane and productive workplaces.